2001-08-28 OK. I must make this the last time (for a while at least). I must break my habit. I have passed several signposts on the way to addiction, and I’m coming up to the "point of no return" ones. But I can stop. I can turn back, or turn off this road. And I will. It is just not worth it! The high is not really pleasant, just tweaky, nervous, jittery, physically painful sometimes (heart, joints). I don’t really feel "good" now. So why continue? I will stop. I will not buy any more. ... How will I stick to my resolve? I must remember this feeling, the high. Am I happy? No. My metabolism is accelerated. Jazz doesn’t give me pleasure. I feel hot. I am nervous and jumpy. My heart does not feel like it’s beating regularly, it feels strained. I have a tingly feeling in my hands, feet, arms, legs. It is not pleasant. ... This is the high. I will leave it soon. I will try to capture it so at least I have something from this experience. Mind-numbing. Front of tongue and lips are numb. Bad metallic taste in my mouth. Heart beating heavily. Tingly feeling in arms and legs. Occasional shooting pain in a joint, for example a shoulder joint. suck it in, hold blow out through nose. wait. Heart beats heavily. Numb feeling ascends through brain. Become aware of pressure in ears. Numbness in lips. Uncomfortable feeling in throat, after the hot air that has just passed through it. More numbing of the head. ... After waiting an hour, again. During the hour, I came down, came down hard. So now I’m up...sort of. But not high enough! More! Next hit is dirty. Taste of brillo. Ah, numbness ascending. Is this what death feels like? numbness all over. Tried to kill some time by going for a walk, but I felt like I was about to get a nosebleed, so I came back. What is this feeling that I must leave alone? Tenseness. Uptightness. Jittery. Heart pounding. Burn in throat. Hot. ... 9:25pm I think I can leave this alone. I will remember it, what I’m experiencing now. Euphoria, whatever. But the side effects are not worth it. I will leave it alone. It shall be hard, but not impossible; I will quit. 9:30pm with weed, and music, I will get over the low after I’ve smoked my last rock. Counting through a jazz tune helps a lot with my depression. Trying to keep up with Charlie Parker or Louis or Trane or whoever is hard, I don’t want to get lost. When I’m following along I hear so much more of what the musicians are doing too. 10:05pm I will quit this. It won’t be easy, but it just doesn’t make sense to continue. Physically I am not comfortable. I don’t get into the things I usually like, music for example. I don’t eat. There is something as pleasurable as this, or more so, about going for a walk after work. 10:30pm OK. Had my last blast. Threw everything out. Back to weed. 11:30pm My wall against the desire to do more crack: 1. Serenity I like being tranquil, calm, relaxed, at rest more than tweaked out, nervous, jumpy, heart pounding uncontrollably. 2. Music I imagine my favorite musicians being relaxed when playing. When I smoked crack, I did not like my favorite music as much. I didn’t feel like playing. Music was not as interesting to me. 3. Money 4. Health Burning in the throat. Smoking brillo can’t be good. What is it cut with? What is it doing to my heart? 5. Job - staying out of “the life” I do not want to return to living in my car. 6. What others think of me. Okay this one’s weak. But the first five hold strong. I just have to remember them whenever the urge strikes me to do more crack. What is the high, really? a pounding in the ears, a numbing of the brain. For a few seconds. Followed by nervous jitteriness, and descent into depression. If it were legal, I might try it on weekends or something. But it not being legal, and given my personality, to use it even once means to risk getting sucked back into "the life". I am not ready to go back to "the life". I can get rushes naturally, through exercise.